Joana Carvalho
Joana has a degree in Work Psychology and a Master's in Human Resources Management from the Universidade Católica, with certification in Executive & Career Coaching. She has always developed her professional career around Strategic Human Resources Consulting, behavioural training and teaching, which has allowed her to develop solid transversal skills in the areas of Organizational Behaviour. Passionate about personal and professional development, she recently co-authored the book "Be the CEO of Your Career".
Born and raised in a Minho family, large in size and affection, which marks her natural appetite for human relationships. Taken as an example of leadership and inspiration, is strongly oriented towards clients, wearing the jersey in each project, and results, fighting for the goals until they happen, always leaving a strong brand wherever she goes. Being a woman of causes, in 2023 she joined the Board of the Stand4Good Association, a social intervention project whose main mission is to combat school dropouts in higher education.
She joined Jason Associates in 2015 as Manager, where she took on the mission of Business Development & Team Leader in Porto. Since 2017, she has been a Partner at ARGO, responsible for Business & Team Development, and for managing transversal Talent Attraction and Retention projects.
What was the most curious thing you have seen until today?
I find curious the way children are able to learn so fast, and yet adults struggle to accepting to learn new things.
How would you like to see the world in 10 years?
I’d like to see a world where everyone has access to the same opportunities.
A trait you enjoy in other people?
I like people who are genuine and resilient.
A book that inspires you…
“The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma.
A place that makes you happy?
Living between the blue of the ocean and the green of my Minho (region in the north of Portugal).