Ana Silva
Ana has a degree in Communication Sciences and started her professional career at Siemens Building Technologies, in the Finance Department, later assuming the role of Marketing Coordinator. In 2005, Ana accepted the invitation from Jason Associates to join the Talent Attraction area, having in 2014 had the opportunity to take over the management of HumanFIT's Recruitment and Selection area. Her 12 years of experience at the Jason Associates Group have given working experience in various sectors of activity and types of function, from top management to more technical and operational profiles.
Described as a strong and secure woman, with an unexpected sense of humor, she prints tranquility and security in moments of greater agitation. Her natural graciousness in dealing with all those who have the privilege of meeting her is intuited by her love for Dance, an activity to which she dedicates herself with the same passion and dedication with which she manages her professional projects.
Currently, is Partner at ARGO, with responsibilities that include team management, client management and business development, following all the processes from A to Z.
What was the most curious thing you have seen until today?
Those who have too little, sharing it with those who have nothing.
How would you like to see the world in 10 years?
I would like the world to exist…that means we must be more conscious about the way we treat it.
A trait you enjoy in other people?
The ability to help without expecting anything back.
A book that inspires you…
“Os Sete Poderes”, by Alex Rovira.
A place that makes you happy?
The dance floor.