Testimony of the integration experience in pandemic time

The COVID-19 pandemic brought with it many challenges for the labor market, namely new forms of integration in the teams and the consequent remote work.
Starting a new job under normal conditions is already a challenge, from knowing the company, colleagues, the hierarchy, to learning to perform the tasks that are proposed to us. With the new circumstances, the challenge has become much greater and different.
In the beginning of March, there I was all expectant and curious to start my internship at Argo, my debut at consultancy. I hadn't even gotten used to the new office and the routine yet, here comes the unexpected Coronavirus asking us to stay home. At this point, the integration became virtual and the work was all remote. Well, it should be said that there was no lack of novelties in this beginning of the journey at Argo.
I confess that, initially, I had some fears, mainly in terms of learning and adapting to the company's culture, because there is nothing like personal coexistence to understand the environment in which we are inserted. However, it was precisely this challenge that gave me the perception of Argo's excellent organizational culture. The adaptation, good humor and versatility of the whole team was something that surprised and motivated me, they quickly realized how to adapt to the new conditions and be productive in the same way, which was a great learning experience for me.
The truth is that, despite the distance, I feel perfectly integrated into the team. Of course, learning is not as fast and consistent as expected, but I am always doing new tasks and participating in different projects, which motivates me a lot. An example of this was the opportunity to participate in the 1st fully virtual assessment of a young talent program, where Zoom, who until now was a complete stranger, became a beautiful project partner.

By Luís Soares


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