Telework: Mission (Im)possible

In view of the technological resources available to us and to an increasingly globalized society, telework is gaining more and more expression in society.
The pandemic period we are going through has put us back 100% in teleworking and, in many cases, returning to the reconciliation of this home office with the children at home as well. The Teleworking that we currently experience is totally atypical and, consequently, more difficult to draw true conclusions about satisfaction, productivity and other variables. We are reconciling work with the family, raising children and the lack of freedom to live our lives in a natural way, factors that bias the experience of each one and the conclusions of the companies as a whole.
Anyway, I believe that the “natural” format of teleworking (outside this epidemic context) and obviously in certain sectors, will undergo natural growth and will start to have more and more expression in the job market.
This work methodology has several advantages, however, it also adds challenges, both for workers and for their managers and companies.
When the house is the workplace, where to establish the boundary between professional space and personal space?
Find out what are the biggest challenges of teleworking and how you can deal with them:

Challenge #1 Separate Work and Family

  • Being at home all day, the risk of domestic and professional tasks overlapping and cluttering increases, creating a greater feeling of tiredness and frustration. Creating a schedule with daily tasks can help facilitate organization.

Challenge #2 Space to work

  • Choose an exclusive division to work, where you usually do not take other activities (such as sleeping or watching TV);

  • Look for a place where there are few distractions and interference;

  • Have adequate working materials;

  • Decorate the workspace to your liking, in order to create the greatest possible comfort.

Challenge#3 Focus and Productivity

  • Reduce digital distractions, television, interruptions with other people at home;

  • Carry out the daily planning of tasks according to your own pace and preferences, for example, placing the most demanding tasks to perform in the morning, a period in which we normally have more energy.

Challenge # 4 Create New Routines

  • Define/Maintain working hours;

  • Remove pajamas and put on appropriate clothes;

  • Maintain a healthy and regular pattern of food and sleep;

  • Include physical exercise in your daily life.

Challenge# 5 Social Distancing

  • Being in telework necessarily implies a higher level of remoteness, but it is not synonymous with complete isolation. You can and should maintain professional contacts. Talking to other people will help not only keep you more motivated, but also keep abreast of issues normally covered in office breaks. It is suggested to create moments of relaxation, such as creating routines for drinking coffee together (through a video call).

The challenge of working from home forces us to introduce a new routine. Here are some suggestions for your daily life to be balanced between productive work and playing with your children:



By: Joana Carvalho


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